6 Ways to Cut and Eat A Star Fruit

You do not have to reach far to the sky for this tropical fruit, as it can be likely found at your nearest grocers! Star fruit can...

10 Satisfying & Healthier Soda Alternatives

Soda is virtually everywhere via advertisements, restaurants, convenience and grocery stores, and vending machines. So, really, it is not so surprising drinking soda is common...

5 Signs You Might Be Eating too Much Protein

Protein is considered a valuable player in winning the game of weight loss. Although its intake is essential to health and can assist in weight loss, can...

6 Reasons Why You Should Be Drinking Kombucha

What Is Kombucha? Pronouced kawm-boo-chah, kombucha is “a live culture of multiple species of yeast and bacteria grown to make a mildly alcoholic fermented beverage.” (Or really just...

Feeling Blue on Holidays? Here’s How to Fight Holiday Sadness

The holiday season can be full of merriment. However, "holiday blues", holiday sadness, and post-holiday depression may be more common than one would think. Between...

11 Foods You Should Shy Away from for Your Health

While nutrition experts tend to promote the concept of “all foods fit,” some foods may be deterring us away from health goals, all while increasing the risk...

How to Build a Better Body Image

According to the National Eating Disorders Association, “body image is how you see yourself when you look in the mirror or when you picture yourself in your...

8 Natural Aspirin Alternatives

Aspirin Uses and Side Effects Aspirin comes from Spiraea, a biological genus of shrub containing it’s key and active ingredient, salicylic acid. Aspirin was first derived from the...

10 Caffeine Alternatives for A Natural Energy Boost

You wake up to the alarm, drag yourself out of bed, brew up some coffee, and bounce from Zombie mode to Superman when that pot of coffee...

Healthier Options to Rid You of Cravings

Cravings can be overwhelming and an annoyance that lingers until you feed into it. And while cravings can be satisfied, continuously caving into commonly desired high-sugar and...

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