Reverse Dieting: What It Is, Benefits & Risks

Reverse dieting might just be the key to long-term weight maintenance. A reverse dieting plan approaches eating by promoting a gradual increase in food intake...

Why Is It Important to Eat Green Vegetables?

Why Is It Importance to Eat Vegetables? The high nutrient profile validates the importance of eating green vegetables. Along with being low in calories, green veggies are timeless...

9 Uses of Black Seed Oil

Black seed oil is derived from Nigella sativa, a small flowering shrub displaying purple and white flowers that produces fruits with tiny black seeds. It is known...

The Real Truth About Holiday Weight Gain

As the holiday season starts to close, you step on the scale and see a five-pound jump from a few weeks ago. You start to...

Healthier Options to Rid You of Cravings

Cravings can be overwhelming and an annoyance that lingers until you feed into it. And while cravings can be satisfied, continuously caving into commonly desired high-sugar and...

9 Heart Health Mistakes to Stop Making Before Turning 40

It is all too common… We float through our younger years without a (health) care in the world. Though just because the choices we make might not impact...

15 Simple Ways to Break a Sugar Addiction

While answering the question “Salty or sweet?” may divide us, it is undoubted the general U.S. population is consuming too much sugar. In fact, the American Heart...

8 Natural Cellulite Fighters

But What Is Cellulite, Exactly? The word “cellulite” often has negative correlations and may even cause those living with it feeling insecure with their bodies. But at its...

Cardiovascular Disease: Early Signs and Actions to Take

More than 1 in 10 American adults have been diagnosed with heart disease. Cardiovascular disease also accounts for 1 in 3 deaths in the United...

Add This Fruit To Your Diet for Gut Health

The Crohn’s and Colitis Foundation estimates inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) affects as many as 1.6 million Americans, in which they are often diagnosed before age 30. And...

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