17 Ways to Lose Body Fat Fast

With overweight and obesity rates continuing to rise, the motivation and determination to lower such numbers is needed now more than ever. And while dropping weight does take time and effort, these tips can help facilitate efficient and sustained fat loss for a healthier, happier, and longer life.

How to Lose Body Fat

1. Ditch Fad Diets

While most fad diets promote themselves as a quick means to lose body fat, they are more times than not too good to be true. And even if weight loss does occur, it is generally not sustained and regained. Such yo-yo dieting can be discouraging and lead to a harmful relationship with food.

2. Start with Veggies

Although it may sound like an unbroken record, the importance of vegetables cannot be stressed enough. They are extremely valuable in the diet, as they are not only naturally keep calorie in check, but offers valuable nutrients the body utilizes for imperative physiological functions. So rather than scooping out heavy scoops of pasta on a clean plate, comprise most of the plate with leafy greens, roasted veggies, and other veggie favorites.

3. Pair with Protein

Offering protein with meals and snacks is valuable in weight loss, as it helps preserve and sustain lean body mass while increasing satiety. Find both plant-based and lean protein sources to maintain muscle and lose fat here.

4. Increase Fiber Intake

Along with fiber’s touted role in digestive health, its intake is valuable for weight maintenance and potential loss. Recommendations encourage men and women to consume 38 and 25 grams of fiber daily, respectively, including from whole grains, legumes, fruits and veggies. Get more fiber in your diet with these 5 easy ways.

5. Eat Healthy Fats

No, eating fat will not necessarily accumulate body fat. Especially if unsaturated fat sources, such as olive and canola oils, nuts and seeds, fatty fish, and avocadoes, fat can be valuable in fat loss. While it is true fat is calorically-dense, it does take a greater length of time to digest in the body, which may heighten satiation, keeping you fuller for longer periods of time and reducing pesky cravings.

6. Drink More Water

Water plays a critical role in health, as it is the medium for sufficient digestion, carries out waste products from the body, helps deliver life-sustaining oxygen to all parts of the body, along with several other processes. And being naturally calorie-free, swapping out sugary beverages with glasses of water can save hundreds upon hundreds of calories. Drinking a glass prior to meals can also lessen the risk of overeating, which may save on even more calories.

7. Break Up with Sugar

Breaking up with the commonly craved sweet treats can do wonders for your waistline. There is no doubt sugar can be highly addictive, and research confirms. Go for naturally-sweetened fruits rather than highly processed foods filled with added sugar, including cookies, pastries, and other packaged snacks.

8. Allow Indulges

Also known as “cheat meals” in the fitness world, it is important to allow yourself foods it craves and indulges on occasion. Restricting and avoiding foods can cause binges later down the road and facilitate a poor connotation with foods.

9. Skip the Drive Thru

Fast food drive thru’s are generally notorious for their greasy, oil- filled products. And while it may be convenient following a long day, skip the drive thru and practice meal prepping to keep health goals driving to (not thru) victory!

10. Get Comfortable with Menus

Start getting comfortable with menus and food descriptors, including skip fried foods and looking for items that are boiled, broiled, baked or steamed. When ordering a salad, try sticking to oil-based dressings, also asking for it on the side. And rather than pouring all of the dressing atop right away, lightly dip those greens into it, as you more than likely will not end up using all of it.

11. Spice it Up

Spice it up in the kitchen! The use of spices is not only encouraged to offer flavor without the use of a salt shaker, but may actually facilitate weight loss. Research has shown a spicy meal may increase metabolic rate, or calorie burning, along with the potential to increase feelings of satiety.

12. Eat Slowly

Aside from what foods comprises the meal plate, the importance of eating slowly cannot be stressed enough. Slowing down and enjoying the tastes and flavors of foods not only increases food appreciation and nurtures a healthy relationship with food, but can lessen the risk of overeating.

13. Drink Coffee

Although limiting or completely skipping out on the sugar and cream is encouraged, consuming that cup of joe may result to weight loss. Coffee has been advertised as an appetite suppressant and stimulator of thermogenesis, a process in which the body converts energy into heat, subsequently speeding up metabolism. Its high caffeine content may spark great energy to get you to the gym to begin with and conquer a workout once you are there. And while tea does not match the caffeine content of coffee, drinking a cup may also be attributable to weight loss.

14. HIIT It Up

Also known as high-intensity interval training, HIIT became recognized and advocated as a quick means for weight loss. Primarily related to the use of both aerobic and anaerobic energy systems, HIIT can accelerate your weight loss efforts without lengthy workouts at the gym.

15. Build Muscle

Despite the importance of cardiovascular and aerobic training, one must not forget the importance of strength and resistance training to build muscle. Ultimately, the greater the muscle and lean body mass, the quicker the metabolism and calorie burn even when the body is at rest.

16. Keep Active

Although a rigorous workout in the morning hours is effective, keeping active throughout the day can not only heighten energy levels, but accelerate weight loss efforts. Stay active by parking far away from the entrances, taking the steps over the elevator, and walking the dog around the neighborhood.

17. Change Your Lifestyle

Ultimately, it is important to change your routine and adapt with it. Health is ongoing and requires ongoing, consistent healthful considerations. By implementing the tips above, you can migrate to a not only a healthier you, but a happier lifestyle!