How Savory Food Can Help Promote Healthy Eating

Savor the Flavor for Healthier Eating A report from the Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center proposes savory foods may promote healthy eating through effects on the brain. The...

The Pros and Cons of Eating Meat

Meat has been a dietary staple for centuries. Despite this long embedded history dating back to prehistoric times, modern-day questions whether or not it poses health risks. 

Understanding the Nutrition & Ingredients of the Impossible Burger

Impossible (adjective): Incapable of being or of occurring. Or, “felt to be incapable of being done, attained, or fulfilled: Insuperably difficult.”  So...

15 Low-Carb Fruits You Can Eat While Following a Keto Diet

Also known as “keto,” the ketogenic diet has become increasingly popular amongst dieters in hopes to lose weight.  Keto is a very...
Individual looking at phone in front of produce

The Healthiest Pandemic Shopping List

During a pandemic, does envisioning short supplied store aisles get the heart racing? Does a panic-driven pantry stock quickly follow? If this...

Your Ultimate Guide to Functional Foods

Food packages commonly claim to contain the power of functional foods, but what are functional foods exactly?  Looking at some food labels,...
man virtual bike ride at home

10 Lifestyle Trends of 2023 to Lookout For

Did you know that the Chinese zodiac for the year 2023 is the rabbit? In Chinese culture, the rabbit is a symbol of longevity, peace,...

The Best Ancient Grains You May Be Missing Out On

Most people recognize the health benefits from eating more whole grains and cutting back on refined grains like white bread and rice. 

Plant-Based Eating Exercise Guide

Fueling for workouts solely through plant-based power is very feasible but requires more detailed planning. Eating a balanced plant-based diet is key to achieving optimal...

What to Know About Orthorexia: Symptoms & More

No one can be too healthy, right? This may be hard for the general population to grasp, but many health professionals believe the real answer...

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