What Happens When You Don’t Drink Enough Water

Dehydration is a lack of fluid in the body, mostly caused by poor fluid intake or losing it through normal body processes. Hydration status can also be affected...

11 Cauliflower Facts and Benefits You Probably Didn’t Know

Cauliflower Facts and Health Benefits Cauliflower is apart of the cruciferous family, stemming from the New Latin word Cruciferae meaning “cross-bearing,” with the four petals of the...

The 13 Best Foods to Prevent Aging

13 Best Foods to Prevent Aging 1. Whole Grains Whole grains contain wholesome vitamins, minerals, and fiber that white and processed foods generally lack. And while it is well-known...

The 30 Best and Worst Beers for Weight Loss

Whether at happy hour or celebrating National Beer Day, popping open and pouring out a beer may just be the answer you asked for. And while beer...

The Benefits of Yuba & How to Use It

Soybean-produced tofu and soymilk are well-known and awfully familiar, though its distant relative may be overlooked. Also known as tofu skin, the Japanese-originating yuba is gaining attention...

How Just 150 Minutes of Exercise Can Help Younger Womens’ Hearts

Along with the classic risk factors of heart disease, including smoking, high blood pressure and cholesterol, and diabetes, physical inactivity is a predictor of developing heart disease....

20 Superfoods for Your Skin

As an adult, you more than likely have over 20 square feet of it, or about the size of a blanket! And that’s what skin essentially acts...

6 Reasons Why You Should Never Skip Breakfast

Why You Should Eat Breakfast 1. Lessens Hunger For those who have skipped breakfast and start feeling those hunger pangs mid-morning… You already know one of the benefits of...

17 Ways to Lose Body Fat Fast

How to Lose Body Fat 1. Ditch Fad Diets While most fad diets promote themselves as a quick means to lose body fat, they are more times than not...

9 Heart Health Mistakes to Stop Making Before Turning 40

It is all too common… We float through our younger years without a (health) care in the world. Though just because the choices we make might not impact...

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