You do not have to reach far to the sky for this tropical fruit, as it can be likely found at your nearest grocers! Star fruit can be found mostly from late summer to late winter months. Star fruit is described as a mild, yet floral-like flavor and highly noticed for its (as the name suggests) star-like shape. Learn how to eat and cut a star fruit here!

How to Cut a Star Fruit

Before cutting into the star fruit, make sure its ripened for best tasting. A ready-to-eat, ripe star fruit will appear primarily bright yellow. It may also be complimented with light green and a dark brown along the five ridges. Though known to be juicy, the flesh should feel firm to the touch. After finding your perfect star fruit, it is time to get to cutting!

  1. Rinse off star fruit or lightly wash with a vegetable brush.
  2. On a cutting board, lay down the star fruit vertically.
  3. With a sharp knife, thinly slice off the brown, outer edges along the five ridges or “star points.” As a side note, the waxy skin can in fact be consumed! Just be sure to wash it off well.
  4. Turning the fruit on its side or horizontally, cut off the stemmed point. The other side will be more flattened.
  5. Start cutting the edible fruit into desired thick or thin slices – you will start to notice nature’s star-shaped fruit!
  6. Within the stars, delicately cut out and discard any seeds.
  7. Enjoy the fruit in the following six ways listed below!

How to Eat a Star Fruit

1. “Lone Star”

Simply enjoy star fruit on its own! Within the skin upholds a juicy flesh that is simply desirable, though consuming (or not consuming) the skin is up to the individual’s discretion.

2. (Star) Fruit Salad

Though fruit salads never tend to lack color, they may fall short on shape diversity. Instead of bite-sized fruit chunks covering the fruit salad’s entirety, enhance the visual aesthetic with the unique shape of star fruit!

3. Star Fruit Upside-Down Cake

Pineapple upside-down cake just got a unique, healthful twist! Using lessened amounts of butter while incorporating light brown sugar and whole wheat flour, you do not want to miss out on this eye-popping, spice-filled star fruit upside-down cake!

4. Star Fruit Quencher

Drink your way to paradise! The star fruit quencher features pureed star fruit and additional tropical flavors. Ingredients can also be adapted to accommodate personal preferences. Not a lemon fan? Swap it out with fresh orange juice. Do not relish the flavor of ginger? Dismiss it altogether! Experiment with taste variations and serve with a star fruit garnish.

5. Star Fruit Steak

As mentioned, star fruit is exceptionally juicy. Marinating the beef with the fruit transfers the liquid to the meat and offers a remarkably juicy and tender product. Find the complete recipe here and pair with favorite roasted veggies!

6. Broiled Star Fruit in Ginger

If gazing for a unique recipe, you have looked in the right direction! This broiled star fruit recipe features warm spices that you will enjoy cozying up to on a cool evening. Additionally, the broiled star fruit can simply be enjoyed on its own or used to top yogurt or even pancakes!