10 Morning Habits of Successful People

Though success is in the eye of the beholder, there are commonalities successors share that pave their way to victory. We are airing out the secrets of successful people and how you, too, can make them a morning habit!

10 Habits of Successful People

  1. Wake Up Grateful: Expressing gratitude influences attitude, mood, and behavior
  2. Meditate: Namaste to start your day
  3. Prioritize Tasks: Make productivity the name of your day game
  4. Journal Your Vision: Turn your written dreams into reality
  5. Workout the Body: Ignite your energy and smash your health goals
  6. Exercise the Brain: Get the brain sharp for the day and future ahead
  7. Eat A Balanced Breakfast: Fuel the body with the nutrients it needs to kick start the day
  8. Disconnect with Technology: And connect to higher productivity and a richer, purer life
  9. Listen to Music: Drop the beat to gain greater motivation and concentration
  10. Get Inspired: Peak your motivation with inspirational quotes, readings, and videos

The Secrets of Successful People

1. Wake Up Grateful

Expressing gratitude is an effective way to positively influence your attitude and behavior first thing in the morning.

And according to a study published in the Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, counting blessings can bring a calm sense of well-being, heighten well-being on emotional and interpersonal levels.

So first thing when you wake up, write down at least three things you are grateful for, including family, friends, your job, and good health. Share gratitude throughout the day to yourself and others, along with reflecting positive things that occurred before going to bed.

2. Meditate

Starting the day with meditation is a common habit of highly successful people, as the practice can make you smarter and happier.

Meditating can lower levels of stress and greater feelings of well-being right from the very get-go. And through mindfulness, you are also able to approach situations with much more clarity.

If just beginning or desiring a refresher, this Meditation 101 discusses techniques and benefits and offers a how-to guide.

3. Prioritize Tasks

Reflect on your daily tasks and prioritize them, also taking into consideration your overarching goals keep the focus on productive undertakings.

While life does bring responsibilities we may feel so compelled about tackling, likewise do not be afraid to turn down requests if they do not align with the vision you have for yourself.

And rather than letting that one undertaking haunt you throughout the day, place it to the top. Nothing will quite relieve stress and energize you more than scratching that major task off your to-do list can!

4. Journal Your Vision

Brew up your coffee and journal your vision, jotting down how you want your life to play out whilst considering your dreams and goals. Doing so can help turn these visions into realities by sparking a game plan with realistic strategies.

Staying consistent with journaling can turn your imagination into a conceivable reality, along with getting to know yourself at a deeper level.

5. Workout the Body

Tackling a morning workout can energize you for not just the morning, but enhance energy levels throughout the day’s entirety! There is also a greater likelihood of working out first thing thanks to fewer interruptions and excuses.

But if struggling to wake up and get going, use these tips for becoming a morning workout person.

6. Exercise the Brain

Along with working out the body, exercising the brain is a shared habit of highly successful people.

Adding daily brain exercises helps you tackle the tasks of your immediate day and sharpens the brain for the future, primarily consisting of the five main cognitive functions: memory, attention, language, visual-spatial skills, and executive function.

7. Eat A Balanced Breakfast

Never skip the most important meal of the day, as eating a balanced breakfast not only reaps physical advantages, but boosts energy and cognition to stay motivated and focused to start and go through the day.

Balance your breakfast with protein and fiber, along with complementing it with healthy fats. So rather than skipping it altogether or pouring out a sugary bowl of cereal, look no further than these 11 high-protein, low-carb breakfast ideas!

8. Disconnect from Technology

One of the habits of highly successful people disconnects from an addiction a majority of the U.S. is connected to: Technology.

While the digital world can be advantageous, being constantly connected can take away from real time spent on beneficial tasks, including exercising, reading a book, and cooking and sitting down to breakfast.

Scrolling through and comparing social media accounts can also destruct our own personal self-worth and value and lead to damaging, negative feelings.

If struggling to disconnect from technology, consider a digital detox to heighten productivity levels, reconnect with loved ones and even yourself, and connect back to life in a richer, purer form.

9. Listen to Music

During your workout, while getting ready, and driving to work, crank up the jams! Listening to music has an immediate positive impact on mood, motivation, and concentration.

Music stimulates the brain’s reward center and releases dopamine, also known as that “feel good” hormone, and reduces the stress hormone cortisol, with the combination successively causing greater feelings of happiness, excitement, and joy.

10. Get Inspired

Some mornings you might want to take on the world, while others you may find out hard to get out of bed…

But rather than falling victim to the warm covers, read or watch something inspiring. Being uplifted shakes a plummeted mood and enhances motivation and energy to tackle the day ahead.

And whether you need motivation to start your health journey, go to the gym or simply need it in the morning, these inspirational quotes can get you moving to reach your daily goals!